I had developed a nice front-end website in Angular 7 for Kate From HR and was so excited that it was finally deployed live! However, I was having this strange issue where the routing was not working. The base url would work, and clicking on links would load the other pages. When I entered a url directly in the address bar though it would just bring me to a 404 page! Oh dear, it was bad times indeed. However, I figured out how to fix it so it's all happy days again!
I went on an interview today for a senior dev position at a large bank by world trade center today, and it was a great experience. They had an open floor plan and everyone had a super-wide monitor which looked pretty awesome. There were stocks shows playing on tv's hanging from the ceiling and people were relatively dressed up, but the people who interviewed me seemed nice. I probably won't get an offer because the one interviewer asked me TWO relatively simple Angular questions that kind of stumped me. I don't think I would have really liked it there for long but big thanks to this person for pointing out these gaps in my knowledge.
AuthorThe posts on this site are written and maintained by Jim Lynch. About Jim...
March 2023